Triplex Orma

Sobre una vivienda chalet existente de 60m2, se asienta una nueva pieza en altura, minimizando la pisada sobre el lote y resolviendo un programa para una joven pareja de profesionales. El terreno se ubica sobre una de las tantas barrancas características de la ciudad de Córdoba, en un barrio residencial al norte de la ciudad. Las inmejorables vistas, junto a la falta de espacio disponible del propio lote, definieron la decisión de condensar el programa y construir en altura, disponiendo dos niveles sobre la vivienda existente. La superficie se lleva a un total de 135m2 con el plus de una terraza mirador y piscina que recuperan un espacio de ocio sobre la superficie de ocupación.

Due to the aforementioned geographical location, from the terrace you can get a 360-degree panoramic view, particularly the views of the large mountains to the West, and the views of the center of the city of Córdoba to the East. The program is made up of the social area next to the patio and the garden on the ground floor. A bedroom area on the first level, and the study on the mezzanine of the second level. A “library space” acts as a shield, connecting the social floor with the viewing terrace. To resolve the spaces in the social area, a renovation of the existing chalet was carried out, working with heavy profiles to achieve greater integration of the previously compartmentalized spaces. The extension is materialized in a reinforced concrete structure, with 4 supports and a 1.80m cantilever over the preexisting one. For the side partitions, formwork made of reused “pallet” boards measuring 7 cm high by 1.40 cm long was used, and formwork with phenolic plates was used for the slabs. 

The front and back of the house are resolved with metal parasols, designed to capture views and protect from the strong Córdoba sun in summer.

Thus the operation takes advantage of the situation of the place, recovering the idea of ​​micro density on existing surfaces, taking full advantage of the lot as a contrast to the current offer of urban expansion on rural land.

Data sheet


Juan Barrionuevo


Single family Home




Approx. 135 m2 


Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. 



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